Safekeeping the Essentials Workshop

Write the Stories of Fathers, Mothers, Grandmothers, Grandfathers

Following Our Beginner Storykeeping Workshop…

Safekeeping the Essentials Workshop

You’ve taken our Beginner Workshop and now want to focus on your father, mother, grandmother, or grandfather. Or maybe you want to write your own stories. A few Slices is all it takes to connect your family to 100 years of their personal history, and provide them with a profound understanding of who they are and from where they came.

Pre-requisite: Beginner Workshop

 Safekeeping the Essentials Workshop

In this workshop, you’ll use your Storykeeping skills from the Beginner Workshop to write Slices of your family’s essential stories — those of your mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, and yourself. To your kids, these are their recent ancestors and you have valuable knowledge and observations to pass along.

Pre-requisite: Beginner Workshop — learn more here.



Turn your memories into a lasting legacy in just a few weeks.